Good brands have the power to elevate our lives in meaningful ways. They go beyond merely providing products or services; they become symbols of quality, reliability, and prestige. They enhance our daily experiences by offering products that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and well-designed bringing a sense of joy and satisfaction. Anything on 2 wheels draws my attention but excellent food and clothing are thrilling to photograph in their own special way.

YAMAHA, DUCATI, KTM are all brands that I’ve enjoyed capturing and have truly changed my life.

Skateboarding, a popular action sport that combines elements of surfing and street culture, has a rich and dynamic history. It all began in the 1950s, when a group of surfers in California sought to recreate the feeling of surfing on land. They attached roller skate wheels to a piece of plywood, giving birth to the first skateboards. n the 1990s, fueled by innovations in skateboard design and the growth of the skateboarding industry. Today, Lekker Skateboards pushes the pursuit of style and are hands down one of my favorite brands to have ever worked for.

Lekker Skateboards


Non Profit

